Bucko's Adventure

A Brave Bucko finds themself in a dark cave, where will their Journey take them? Adventure through terrible perils to find Ami and join the other Buckos!

A small Adventure Game made for AmiyaAranha's Bucko GameJam 2024.

Use Arrow or WASD Keys to walk around.

All art, sprites and music made by marv.

Made with https://www.bitsy.org/

Thanks so much to Amiya Aranha for organizing and supplying many resources to make this great GameJam happen! It was very inspirational and fun to try my first Game Dev endeavour and I am so happy I could participate! Ami cute! Ami Love! marv

Published 2 days ago
Made withbitsy


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Very cute and amicore adventure, I can only second how recognizable the 8x8 tiles and sprites are, that really is not much room to work with


Super cute game, I love how readable the sprites are even at this resolution!

Thank you!